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    to Improve Their Lives

  • Higher standards

    of care every day

  • Leading the way

    to better healthcare

Working hours

  • MONDAY- SATURDAY 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Sunday Closed


  • CELL/ WHATSAPP: 91 94179 40007


  • Call/ WhatsApp: +91 94179 40007
  • Receive a/c no on WhatsApp
  • Transfer Funds
  • Receive Medicine
  • Shipped Worldwide

It's easy, convenient & quick. Just Call/ WhatsApp: +91 94179 40007

“Dr. Kapoor Sexologist & Urologist (In his clinic “Dr. Kapoor Clinic”) is Practicing, Manufacturing & providing the online treatment since 1980. He is serving the ailing global-community with the following customized great medicines, formulations & treatments.

Following are our world-acclaimed best ever formulations for the below mentioned “Sex & Health Related” disorders/ issues. All medicines are shipped worldwide.

☛ It's Asia's leading # 1 Online customized treatment you can trust.
☛ Call us to avail this service just sitting at home.

1. ☛ All types of Male Sexual Disorders like Erectile dysfunction, Premature ejaculation, Low libido (reduced interest in sex)
Need more info, click Rock-Power/ Jumbo-Power

2. ☛ Chronic Inflammatory Bowl Syndrome (IBS).
Symptions: Abdominal pain or cramps, Bloating, Harder or looser motions, Diarrhea, constipation or alternating between the two & Excess of gas.

3. ☛ Chronic/ Recurrent Infections of Urinary system (UTI).
Symptions: A strong, persistent urge to urinate, Burning sensation when urinating, Passing frequent, small amounts of urine, Urine usually appears cloudy.

Need more info, click UroPLUS

4. ☛ Benign (Non-cancerous) Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH Grade 1, 2 & 3).
Symptions: Enlarged prostates press on the bladder and urethra and block the flow of urine.

5. ☛ All types of vaginal Infections, Discharge & Itching.
Symptions: Itching and irritation in the vagina and vulva, Burning sensation, especially during intercourse or while urinating, Redness and swelling of the vulva, Vginal pain.

6. ☛ All Types of Menstrual Disorders.
Symptions: Abnormal menstrual bleeding, Pain or cramping, Depression, Emotional distress, Bloating or fullness in the abdomen.

7. ☛ Overactive Bladder or Urgency of Urine (M/F).
Symptions: Feel a sudden urge to urinate, Experience unintentional loss of urine, Urinate frequently, Wake up more than two times in the night to urinate.

8. ☛ “HealthPLUS”- Regarded as the best ‘Herbal Supplement’ to…
Need more info, click HealthPLUS
• HealthPLUS - Boosts stamina, energy, strength, control Fatigue, Increase Muscle Mass and to promote Health of Heart, Brain, Memory Power, Pancreas, intestines, Thyroid gland and Skeletal Health, Insulin Sensitivity, DHEA, Omega D3, immunity, joints, eyes, vision, liver and above all Slows Down Aging Process,
• HealthPLUS - being a great Herbal Formulation of medically proven herbs & all the essential vitamins & minerals that would better maintain your body healthy full of energy, stamina, muscle-power & vitality. all day.

Have a question or suggestion, call: Cell/ WhatsApp: +91 9479 40007
# Dr. Rajinder Kapoor - B Sc, BAMS (Since 1980)
# Consultant Urologist
# Sexual Disorders Specialist (Sexologist)


Get Free Consultation from the Best Specialists by phone or Online for your sex problems. (Please be brief). Cell: +91 94179 40007 Email: drkapoor101@gmail.com


We provide opportunities for everyone suffering from sex problems to enjoy their sexual life at the most affordable price & best results.


Consultants are senior doctors that have got full medical experience in treating long standing sexual problems.


Our "medical staff professionals" need to access the origin of the problem. Work on all the options how our client can get best treatment for his sex problem(s).

Instructions for those who avail our “Advanced Super Sex Treatment”

We are a team of professional Urologists and Sexologists. We work to provide the Advanced Super-Sex Treatment with our world acclaimed “Rock-Power” or “Jumbo-Power”. We provide customized treatment/ medicine for Rock Hard Erection & increase in timing with all our New Formula that Attacks the Root. We provide the world-class treatment for all the SEX-RELATED ailments. We treat all our clients are as VIPs. You can very confidently opt to our world renowned, highly effective treatment for your total satisfaction.

Have a question. Call/ WhatsApp: +91 94179 40007 (Audio call only). 10 am to 6 pm IST. Sunday closed.

Enhance Libido

Along with taking our “Rock-Power” or “Jumbo-Power”, follow the below mentioned life style sincerely.They can help boost your libido and enhance your sex life.

Cure Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Along with taking “Rock-Power” or “Jumbo-Power”, follow the below mentioned tips to better protect your Erection.

Maintain Erection for Longer Time

Along with taking “Rock-Power” or “Jumbo-Power”, follow the below mentioned tips to better maintain erection for longer time.

Stop Early Ejaculation

Along with taking “Rock-Power” or “Jumbo-Power”, follow the following technique to delay your ejaculation.

Boost Testosterone Level

Along with taking “Rock-Power” or “Jumbo-Power”, follow these six Proven Ways to Increase Testosterone Levels.

Treat oligospermia

Along with taking our “Sperm-Booster” Medicine, you are advised to follow very sincerely the below mentioned six tips to boost the sperm count.

Know Your Doctor


Dr. Kapoor Senior SEXOLOGIST and his team of sex specialists have been treating the patients, world wide from last 35+ years. He and his team work very sincerity and utmost dedication for an individual client because he considers them as our VIP clients.

Dr. Kapoor started the service of humanity with rare, pure and highly effective ayurvedic medicine known briefly as "HERBS” Dr.Kapoor treats SEX specific problems that the humanity is suffering from. Highly effective treatment is provided to the patients for the total eradication of their long standing Erectile Dysfunction, Early Ejaculation, Low Libido and Oligospermia or any other specific problem.

Since a few years back Dr. Kapoor has developed the international brand as "Dr. Kapoor Clinic”. This clinic has cured thousands of patients in India and abroad. He cured thousands of patients and has a wider reach to patients world wide. Since then Dr. Kapoor Clinic has been solving the SEX related problems by sending them the world class medicine at their door step.

New clients reach out to Dr. Kapoor Clinic via phone Calls, Emails with their history, symptoms and detail of their problems that they require to be treated. Our specialists call them and know the full history of the problems. Prepare the customized medication and provide/ send them at their door to all Indian & global buyers.

We keep the privacy of our clients as 100% confidential. We wish all our clients – A HAPPY SEX LIFE.

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